Different station tracks in one <ocpTT> for different <operatingPeriod>s (de: Saisonierte Gleisbenutzung)
Discussion during the last TT development meeting: It shall be possible to specify different station tracks for one ocpTT.
The topology reference is similar to the designator register for an ocp which allows the receiving system to retrieve additional information from an external register.
Please note, that the actual topology is not part of the railML file and must exist in or be accessible to the receiving system.
- Forum discussion
- Christian Rößiger (iRFP) (de/en), January 2016: Different station tracks in one for different s
- Dirk Bräuer, 23.09.2017: addendum to in railML2.4
- Wiki Documentation
- https://wiki.railml.org/index.php?title=TT:trackInfo
Changes in railML 2.4
A cancelled train or trainPart is written to the railML file including all regular attributes and elements. The `@NEWATTRIBTE` attribute with a value of 'true' allows the importing system to process this information accordingly - e.g. to inform passengers of a cancellation.
railML elements
The following new attributes are available:
1. ` railml/timetable/trains/train/trainPartSequence/topologyReference `
1. ` railml/timetable/trains/train/trainPartSequence/topologyReference/@register `
1. ` railml/timetable/trains/train/trainPartSequence/topologyReference/@entry `
1. ` railml/timetable/trains/train/trainPartSequence/topologyReference/@startDate `
1. ` railml/timetable/trains/train/trainPartSequence/topologyReference/@endDate `
1. ` railml/timetable/trains/train/trainPartSequence/topologyReference/@any##other `
The following XSD file(s) have been updated:
1. timetable.xsd
1. timetableTypes.xsd
The following codelist XML file(s) have benn updated:
1. Registers.xml
Changesets in trunk
- [changeset:"804/railML"] - adding changes related to topic "different station tracks in one for different s" (de: saisonierte Gleisbenutzung), see #334 (closed)
Documentation Tasks
- Document the changes for 2.4
- Update the wiki pages