Adding turning resistances to the <ocp> (de: Hinzufügen von Abbiegewiderständen zum <ocp>)
Adding turning resistances to the <ocp> (de: Hinzufügen von Abbiegewiderständen zum <ocp>)
For the exchange of route networks in macroscopic modelling, the individual turning resistances at the transition from one line of a node to another line of a node are to be assigned. Exemplary applications are path finding algorithms for the compilation before (!) ordering train paths of a train.
(de: Für den Austausch von Streckennetzen bei makroskopischer Modellierung sollen den einzelnen Abbiegewiderstände beim Übergang von einer Strecke eines Knotens auf eine andere Strecke eines Knotens zugewiesen werden. Beispielhafte Anwendung sind Wegesuch-Algorithmen für die Zusammenstellung vor (!) der Bestellung von Trassen eines Zuges.)
- Forum discussion:
- Michael Gruschwitz, 18.06.2021: []
- Trac tickets:
- #413
- Wiki documentation:
- IS:ocp: []
Proposed solution in railML 2.5
It is suggested to integrate topological relationships into the element to define OCP-internal connections.
In particular, a new, repeatable element shall be added in <ocp / propOperational>:
- has mandatory child elements and to reference the lines and OCPs that are connected by the (directed) connection
- with required attribute @line (tGenericRef)
- with required attribute @ocp (tGenericRef)
- has required enumeration attribute @type to specify the type of the connection with possible values:
- "direct"
- "changeDrivingDirection"
- "crossesContraflowTraffic"
- "requiresShunting"
- ...
- has optional attribute @priority (integer 1..255) to specify the priority of a relation (relevant when several relations exist in parallel), whereas 1 is the highest priority.
- has optional child element with required attribute @value (xs:duration) to specify the average delay time due to waiting, shunting or other delay reasons