Add trackRef description to a lineSection
It is suggested to add an element under . A line section should reference the tracks that belong to it.
This ticket was raised by Norway as part of the standardisation in Norway and shall be used commonly in the future.
The element was introduced in railML2.4nor and is used to reference the tracks which belong to the section. It is a sub-element of (see trac ticket #414).
For more details see document “railML2.4nor Infrastructure Documentation“ (, version 1.3, 03.07.2020, point 4.18.2.
- Forum discussion:
- Torben Brand, 20.12.2016: []
- Trac tickets:
- #316
- #415 (closed)
- Wiki documentation:
- none
Proposed solution in railML 2.5
tbc: Is there a need for railML 2.5 implementation or is a railML 3 implementation sufficient?
Proposed solution in railML 3.x
See Trac ticket #316.