Extend operational properties of an OCP
It was suggested to extend the operational attributes for an OCP summarized in element .
This ticket was raised by Norway as part of the standardisation in Norway and shall be used commonly in the future.
railML2.4nor extends the railML2.4 functionality of by the sub-element to specify additional attributes for any OCP. These attributes are @remoteControlled and @simultaneousEntry.
For more details see document “railML2.4nor Infrastructure Documentation“ (https://www.jernbanedirektoratet.no/railML), version 1.3, 03.07.2020, point 4.2.2.
- Forum discussion:
- Torben Brand, 20.12.2016: [https://www.railml.org/forum/index.php?t=msg&th=483&goto=1457&#msg_1457]
- Torben Brand, 14.06.2021, on values of @simultaneousEntry: [https://www.railml.org/forum/index.php?t=msg&th=483&goto=2763&#msg_2763]
- Gitlab issues:
- Wiki documentation:
- IS:propOperational: [https://wiki2.railml.org/wiki/IS:propOperational]
Proposed solution in railML 2.5
The element <propOperational>
shall be extended by two attributes:
(boolean) to describe whether the OCP is remotely controlled by a TMS or CTC. -
(enumeration) to describe the pattern for a simultaneous entry into the OCP
The following values of the (extendable) enumeration of @simultaneousEntry
are suggested:
- "yes"
- "no"
- "partial"
- "other"