Extend <trainProtectionChange> in <trackElements>
The element is missing an attribute to define the train protection system. It was suggested to add a new attribute @trainProtectionType with reference to the existing codelist TrainProtectionSystems.
The content of this ticket is already covered with Trac ticket #356 (closed).
This ticket was raised by Norway as part of the standardisation in Norway and shall be used commonly in the future.
This is a sub-element of , which belongs to the high-level element . The element denotes the operational border for the type of train protection which is to be adhered to. This is not the individual train protection element.
For more details see document “railML2.4nor Infrastructure Documentation“ (https://www.jernbanedirektoratet.no/railML), version 1.3, 03.07.2020, point 4.20.
In Norway, only balises are available as train protection elements. As these are already mapped as such, the Norwegian sector does not see the need to map them again as train protection elements.
- Forum discussion:
- Torben Brand, 14.07.2018: [https://www.railml.org/forum/index.php?t=msg&th=121&goto=1879&#msg_1879]
- Tobias Bregulla, 17.08.2018: [https://www.railml.org/forum/index.php?t=msg&th=121&goto=1910&#msg_1910]
- Trac tickets:
- #356 (closed)
- #419 (closed)
- Wiki documentation:
- IS:trainProtection:
- IS:trainProtectionChange:
- IS:trainProtectionElement:
Proposed solution in railML 2.5
The optional attribute @trainProtectionSystem of type xs:string shall be added to elements and . This attribute shall be used to refer to a train protection system listed in codelist TrainProtectionSystems?.xml. If the related train protection system is not (yet) listed in the codelist, choose an abbreviation with prefixed underscore "_" and inform railML.org about the codelist value that need to be added.