Modelling Lineside Electronic Units (ETCS L1)
For including ETCS Level 1 in the railML 3 data model, the need for modelling Lineside Electronic Units (LEU) was discussed. In particular, the following requirements have been collected:
- An infrastructure element for the LEU is needed.
- A LEU should be able to connect with one or more signals.
- A LEU should be able to connect with one or more balise groups.
- A LEU should be able to connect with one or more balises.
- A LEU should be able to connect with one or more euroloops.
- The signal aspects to be evaluated by the LEU should be provided.
- For each signal aspect to be evaluated by the LEU, the relevant route should be provided
- target signal of the movement authority
- required position of passed switches
- signals between start and target signal of the route (optional)
- Forum discussion:
- Gitlab tickets:
- Wiki documentation:
Proposed solution railML 3.3
- Introduce a new functional infrastructure element
within its container\\linesideElectricUnitsIS
. -
Define repeatable child elementlinesideElectronicUnitIL shall refer with one element [0..*] to SignalIL/hasLamp [#548 (comment 9679)]\\linesideElectronicUnitIS\connectedToSignal
with attribute@ref
to link from LEU to signal. - Define repeatable child element
with attribute@ref
to link from LEU to balise group. - Define repeatable child element
with attribute@ref
to link from LEU to (single) balise. - Define repeatable child element
with attribute@ref
to link from LEU to euroloop. - Introduce a new interlocking element
with child element\\refersTo
to link\\linesideElectronicUnitIS
. - Define repeatable child element
with attribute@ref
to link a signal aspect that shall be evaluated by the LEU.