Tunnel Gate in Infrastructure
There can be gates installed at different locations within a tunnel. For clear locating they need to be included in functional infrastructure. The locations can be at the portals or somewhere inbetween the tunnel.
- Forum discussion
- Jörg von Lingen, 23.01.2021: [https://www.railml.org/forum/index.php?t=msg&th=793&goto=2646&#msg_2646]
- Git issues
- Wiki documentation
- IL:tunnelGateIL: [https://wiki3.railml.org/wiki/IL:tunnelGateIL]
Proposed solution for railML 3.2
Add new element <TunnelGateIS>
in functionalInfrastructure with children elements for
- location (like any other functional infrastructure element)
- reference to tunnel (overCrossing) by new attribute